We can all agree that butter is pretty great. Wouldn’t it be heartbreaking to have to give it up on a keto diet?
The Short Answer
Yes! Butter is one of the best foods for a ketogenic diet!
The Long Answer
Butter, butter everywhere. That was how I described the keto diet to a friend once. This is because butter is a keto super food. It is packed full of fat and has very few carbohydrates, making it a perfectly acceptable addition to your daily macros. (But is it Gluten Free? Find out here!)
You can cook with butter, you can melt it over foods, just don’t put it on toast and you’ll be fine! Some people even put butter in their coffee while on the ketogenic diet as a way to inject their daily caffeine boost with a little extra fat!
Remember, when doing the ketogenic diet you want to keep your fat intake high and your carb intake low. When looking at your daily macros, fat should account for more than 70% of your daily caloric intake, while carbs should be somewhere around 5%. Protein makes up the difference between the two.
Butter is so perfect because it essentially is fat.
Butter is made from churning milk or cream. The process separates the solid butterfat from the liquid buttermilk. All butter commercially sold within the United States undergoes a pasteurization process, which is why you never see freshly churned “raw” butter sold at the local store.
Ghee is also allowed on the keto diet and can be a great substitute for butter for those of you who are trying to stay away from a lot of dairy.
What is Keto?
The Ketogenic Diet, or Keto, is a low carb, high fat diet which helps you lose weight by forcing the body into a state of ketosis. On the Keto diet, users force the body to shed pounds by feeding on fat broken down in the liver, rather than carbohydrates and glucose.
When we eat a lot of carbohydrates, the body produces both insulin and glucose. The body feeds on the glucose to produce energy and stores fat, rather than burning it. With keto, you can lose weight, improve your overall health, and enrich yourself in both body and mind. Learn more about the Keto Diet here.
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