If you’re cutting out gluten does that mean you also have to cut out some of your favorite cheeses? Please, say it ain’t so!
The Short Answer
Yes! Most cheeses are gluten free but many cheese products do contain gluten.
The Long Answer
Rejoice my gluten free friends! Cheese does not contain these powerful proteins. Most cheeses that is. But you’re not out of the woods yet. You need to be reading your labels very closely when it comes to cheese because a lot of times companies like to mix a lot of extra badness in there.
When you’re buying cheese or cheese-related products, you will want to check for a few red flags. Rye, barley, and wheat should be the immediate “no-go” items that you don’t want mixed up in your cheese. But also make sure what you’re eating contains no wheat starch or any modified starch that is made from wheat.
At the deli counter, you also need to make sure that the slicer they’re using wasn’t just chopping away at something that contains gluten. Cross-contact is very possible.
Some common gluten free cheeses include ricotta, Swiss, parmesan, goat cheese, feta, cream cheese, provolone, cheddar, and brie.
Blue cheese can sometimes have gluten if the mold cultures were grown on wheat or rye bread, so make sure you’re checking those labels. Some brands of cottage cheese may contain wheat starch, but not all do.
Dairy-free cheeses are something to be mindful of as they are sometimes made with flour.
Cheesecake and mozzarella sticks do contain gluten and should be avoided.
What’s your favorite cheese? Does it contain gluten? Sound off in the comment section below and let us know!
Gluten is a name for proteins found in rye, wheat, barley, and triticale. Gluten functions as an edible adhesive, holding foods together and maintaining their shape.
Gluten can be dangerous for those with an autoimmune reaction known as celiac disease. Affected individuals could see heightened weight loss, vomiting, abdominal pain, bloating, persistent diarrhea or constipation, brain fog and a skin disease called dermatitis.
Gluten is also known to cause gut inflammation, which can lead to digested food making its way into the bloodstream through the intestines. As such, harmful viruses and bacteria that would have normally been eliminated by the digestive system could be let loose into the bloodstream.
Eliminating gluten from your diet can lead to easy weight loss and increased energy in individuals, which is why it has become such a popular diet trend.
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