We know that the ketogenic diet allows you to eat a lot of cheeses. But what about American cheese? Is it included in the keto lifestyle?
The Short Answer
American cheese should be avoided on the keto diet.
The Long Answer
One of the major benefits of the ketogenic diet for a lot of people is that it is a diet that doesn’t force you to swear off all dairy products.
Indeed, you can have your butter, your milk, and even your wonderful, blessed, amazing, and life-giving CHEESE! Regular readers are well aware of my absolute cheese addiction, and if you’re new well….I like cheese, what do you want from me?
But American cheese, the most common slice of dairy to grace my childhood sandwiches, should not be a part of your keto life. That’s because, as we discussed on this very site, American cheese isn’t really cheese. In fact, it’s less than 51% actual cheese, which is why you see names like Velveeta Slices and Kraft Singles on the package instead of…you know…cheese.
When it comes to living a keto life you want to make sure you’re keeping your diet high in fat and low in carbohydrates. While American cheese technically hits that criteria, there are WAY better cheeses that you can turn to.
For example, one slice of Kraft singles has two grams of carbs, which is not a lot, I’ll admit. But one serving of cheddar cheese has only 0.2 grams of carbs, which is much more appealing to those keto macros of yours.
If you’re looking to incorporate more cheese into your keto life, you should try some old favorites like brie, cheddar, blue cheese, mozzarella, cottage cheese, cream cheese, gouda, Swiss, parmesan, and more. Surely that’s enough!
So what’s your favorite cheese to include on the keto diet? Have you ever used cheese to make bread or dough? Sound off in the comment section below and let us know!
What is Keto?
The Ketogenic Diet, or Keto, is a low carb, high fat diet which helps you lose weight by forcing the body into a state of ketosis. On the Keto diet, users force the body to shed pounds by feeding on fat broken down in the liver, rather than carbohydrates and glucose.
When we eat a lot of carbohydrates, the body produces both insulin and glucose. The body feeds on the glucose to produce energy and stores fat, rather than burning it. With keto, you can lose weight, improve your overall health, and enrich yourself in both body and mind. Learn more about the Keto Diet here.
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